
Our Commitment to Zero Traffic Fatalities

Our Commitment to  Zero Traffic Fatalities

At In Road Light, we're dedicated to transforming road safety through the principles of Vision Zero and safety innovations. We aim to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries by implementing innovative, sustainable solutions. By fostering collaboration, prioritizing equity, and using data-driven insights, we strive to create safer, healthier, and more equitable mobility for everyone.

Vision Zero: A Commitment to Safe, Equitable Mobility for All

Vision Zero: A Commitment to Safe, Equitable Mobility for All

Vision Zero is a proactive strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries while promoting safe, healthy, and equitable mobility for everyone. Originating in Sweden in the 1990s, Vision Zero has proven successful across Europe and is now gaining momentum in major American cities.

vision zero

The Urgent Need for Preventative Traffic Safety Measures

The Urgent Need for Preventative Traffic Safety Measures

The Reality of Traffic Fatalities

The Reality of Traffic Fatalities

Every year, over 42,000 people are killed on American streets, equivalent to the population of a small city. Thousands more suffer injuries. These traffic incidents, often mislabeled as “crashes,” are preventable. For too long, traffic deaths and severe injuries have been accepted as inevitable. However, we can prevent these tragedies by adopting a preventative approach and prioritizing traffic safety as a public health issue.

The Broader Impact on Communities

The Broader Impact  on Communities

The impact of traffic fatalities extends beyond personal loss to significant community consequences. This includes economic costs, emotional trauma, and substantial taxpayer spending on emergency response and long-term healthcare. The fear of street safety limits true freedom of mobility, contributing to sedentary lifestyles and higher carbon emissions, which harm public health.

A New Vision for Safety

A New Vision for Safety

Accepting Human Error

Accepting Human Error

Vision Zero acknowledges that people will make mistakes. Thus, road systems and related policies should be designed to ensure these mistakes do not result in severe injuries or fatalities. This involves system designers and policymakers improving the roadway environment, implementing speed management, and enhancing related systems to reduce crash severity.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Multidisciplinary Approach

Vision Zero fosters stakeholder collaboration, including traffic planners, engineers, policymakers, and public health professionals. This cross-disciplinary effort addresses the multiple factors contributing to safe mobility, such as roadway design, speeds, behaviors, technology, and policies. Vision Zero sets clear goals to achieve zero fatalities and severe injuries.

conventional tools

Taking the Lead for Safe Streets

Taking the Lead   for Safe Streets

Vision Zero is more than a slogan or program; it is a fundamental shift in approaching traffic safety. Communities committed to Vision Zero must recognize that traditional methods are insufficient and require systemic changes for meaningful progress.

Strategies for Vision Zero Success

Strategies for Vision Zero Success
  • Leadership, Collaboration, and Accountability: Promoting leadership, collaboration, and accountability among diverse stakeholders, including professionals from transportation, policymaking, public health, law enforcement, and local communities.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilizing data to understand trends and address the disproportionate impacts of traffic deaths on specific populations.

  • Equity and Community Engagement: Prioritizing equity and engaging communities in the process.

  • Speed Management: Regulating vehicle speeds to prevent severe crashes.

  • Setting Clear Goals: Establishing timelines to achieve zero traffic deaths and serious injuries ensures transparency and urgency in addressing challenges.

A highway with lights at night and a green dotted background

Starting Points and Key Concepts

Starting Points and Key Concepts

Where to Start on the Road to Vision Zero

Where to Start on the Road to Vision Zero

Embarking on the journey to Vision Zero begins with understanding the core principles and strategies that can transform traffic safety. Learn the initial steps communities can take to adopt Vision Zero, including building leadership, fostering collaboration, and setting clear, measurable goals to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries.

Fundamentals of Vision Zero Action Planning

Fundamentals of Vision Zero  Action Planning

Creating an effective Vision Zero action plan involves comprehensive, data-driven strategies tailored to each community's unique needs. This guide covers the essentials of action planning, including stakeholder engagement, policy development, and infrastructure improvements, to ensure a systematic approach to zero traffic deaths.

Fundamentals of the Safe System Approach

Fundamentals of the Safe  System Approach

The Safe System Approach is integral to Vision Zero. It emphasizes that road systems should be designed to accommodate human error and reduce crash severity. Explore the critical elements of this approach, such as safe speeds, roads, vehicles, and safe road users, and learn how they collectively contribute to a safer transportation network.

Start With Sustainable Road Safety Innovations

Start With Sustainable Road Safety Innovations

Join us in committing to Vision Zero and helping create a safer, healthier, and more equitable future for everyone. Support innovative, sustainable road safety solutions to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries. Together, we can make our streets safer with In Road Light's eco-friendly lighting solutions. Connect with us today and take the first step toward a brighter, safer future.