solar marker

Pioneering Road Safety Solutions

Pioneering Road Safety Solutions

In-road light solutions represent a innovative approach to road safety, offering a range of benefits including enhanced visibility, dynamic traffic management, increased pedestrian safety, integration with smart infrastructure, and sustainability. As transportation agencies and municipalities seek to improve road safety and enhance the overall driving experience, in-road light solutions are poised to play a key role in shaping the future of transportation. By harnessing the power of light, we can illuminate the path to safer roads for all.

Safer Mid-Block Pedestrian Crosswalks

Safer Mid-Block Pedestrian Crosswalks

Past pedestrian safety solutions just DO NOT work for today's realities. More distracted drivers and cars are moving faster than ever, leaving less reaction time to changing conditions. In-road lights enhance pedestrian crosswalks to ensure drivers and pedestrians can easily see the crossings.

A blurry image of a person on a skateboard.
A highway with dark skies and a traffic light.

Wrong Way Prevention

Wrong Way Prevention

In-road lights provide drivers with clear warning messages within the line of sight. They also visually and quickly warn distracted, aging, and impaired drivers that they are going the wrong way.

Sharp Curve Road Delineation

Sharp Curve Road Delineation

In-road lights applied to curves, roundabouts, or dimly lit roadways give drivers a further line of sight of where the road is going and illuminate changes in conditions ahead.

Highlighted Crosswalks

Highlighted Crosswalks

In-road lights notify drivers within their line of sight earlier, emphasize marked crosswalks at night, and improve the visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists at night.

Roundabout Illumination

Roundabout Illumination

By strategically illuminating these traffic circles, in-road lights provide clear delineation, guiding drivers through complex intersections quickly. This enhanced visibility reduces the risk of crashes and fosters smoother traffic flow, creating safer roadways.

A street with lights on the side of it
Bike path

Bike Path Illumination

Bike Path Illumination

In-road lights allow drivers within their line of sight to receive an earlier warning, emphasizing bike lanes at night and improving bicyclist visibility.

Enhanced Warnings

Enhanced Warnings

In-road lights enhance stop sign bars, speed bumps, tables, and traffic separators to ensure drivers can easily see where to stop earlier than signage alone.

Join the Road Safety Revolution

Join the Road Safety Revolution

Take the first step toward safer roads today with our green energy safety solutions. Explore our range of innovative road safety solutions powered by renewable energy and join us in revolutionizing transportation safety. Together, we can make a difference.